M.Sc (Herbal Medicine)
Rosari Kingston is a medical herbalist practicing in
West Cork. She is passionately interested in
establishing herbal medicine as a profession with a
strong research base.
To further this, she was responsible with other
members of the Irish Institute of Medical Herbalists in
setting up the Herbal science degree in Cork Institute
of Technology so as to develop herbal research,
product development and manufacturing.
Her published papers range from articles on the
pharmacology of Crataegus sp. to the history,
diversity and authenticity of the Irish Healing
tradition. Her current research involves the diverse
strands that make up this tradition from 1415 to the
present day. This research resulted in the RTE
Nationwide programme on the Irish Herbal tradition
which was broadcast in 2010 and again in 2011.
She is also one of the founder members of the Irish
College of Traditional Medicine (ICTM) which has the
double remit, of providing professional clinical training
programmes for graduates and practitioners already
on professional registers, as well as broad based
courses informing the general public of the rich herbal
traditions informing our culture.