2013 Programme

Pete Jackson-Main


peter jackson mainPete will address issues around representation and language in relation to herbal medicine, using interactive exercises, storytelling and narrative, and exploring intuitive responses to the patient’s presentation. The starting point is the realisation that language is the basis for our interaction with patients, and the choice of language is paramount in determining the outcome of the experience for both practitioner and patient. You will gain insight into how your narrative around the illness, and around herbs chosen in a treatment, may determine the outcome of that treatment. This seminar is for patients as well as practitioners, and aims to break down the barriers between these categories in order to reveal deeper truths behind myths of illness and wellness.

Anji Jackson-Main


Anji Jackson MainAnji’s work involves “seeing the unseeable”, and in this workshop she will focus on visual awareness to bring out our innate understanding of the herbs that have meaning to us. Participants will choose and present herbs that they are drawn to, and will then be encouraged to use colour and line to represent their experiences, using a variety of materials. This is a participatory workshop that promises to be enjoyable, absorbing and revelatory.

Marina Kesso


marina kessoHerbBís founder Marina Kesso will hold a practical workshop in how to grow, harvest and prepare your own herbs for tincture-making and other herbal preparations. This will be a practical and likely a popular demonstration. Marina’s background as well as her experience with the HerbBís project has made her an authority on growing herbs.

Mary Kay-Ryan


Facial Diagnosis and Its Application for Modern Practitioners

mary kay ryanBefore there were CT scans, MRI’s and extensive blood testing, doctors had to rely on their powers of perception as one powerful tool for diagnosing and planning treatment of disease. Pulses, tongues, tone of voice, breath sounds, and many other methods were brought to bear in the diagnostic process. FACIAL DIAGNOSTIC INDICATORS was one of the most useful and has been employed in all the world’s medical systems. Even biomedicine used these assessment techniques until quite recently.

Anyone who has experienced a really skillful diagnostician from the “old school” can tell you that they can be as good or better and often much faster than the machines. Not only could they tell what was wrong with a patient’s health, but whether or not s/he was likely to pull through and even sometimes things about their character and history, both physical and emotional.

his talk will include a brief overview of the kinds of facial assessment approaches that have existed so we can understand the difference between, for instance, physiognomy, emotion reading systems and clinical diagnostic facial assessment. The bulk of our time together will be spent examining some of the most essential methods for determining the status of a patient’s health, where their illness might be located, how far it has progressed and the severity of the problem. Finally some time will be spent on reading the condition of the Spirit on the face. This presentation includes lots of pictures and is reported by those who have taken it in the past to be lots of fun.

If you think a bit more energy to get through the Event, or life for that matter, would be helpful, come join us for Qi Gong at fill in the time. Qi Gong, if you have never experienced it, is a cross between Tai chi, Meditation and Yoga. Its affects can be felt immediately. No prior experience is required. Form will be simple and easy to follow.

Kes Clarke


mary kay ryanAt this year’s herbfeast, Kes hopes to do a short talk on the brewing of garden wines and herbal beers using fresh natural ingredients.


Dr Dilis Clare


Anji Jackson MainExplaining herbal healing strategies in a way your patients understand.

‘It takes a while to get sick and

a while to get better,

but you feel better all the while’.

Communication graphics based on years of experience of listening to patient’s stories. These storyboards may be helpful in focussing the consultation and getting the patient on-board for active involvement in their own healthcare.

By give your patient a ‘Therapy Scaffold’ you are likely to improve compliance and retain your patient long enough for results to kick in.

Dr Donn Brennan


donn brennanI hope to give an introduction to Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic approach to patients and the use of herbs, some examples of Ayurvedic herbs to use, some examples of our own herbs looked at from the viewpoint of Ayurveda.

Donna Bryant-Winston


donn brennanThe Importance of Sleep – Sleep problems affect virtually every aspect of day-to-day living, including mood, mental alertness, work performance, and energy level. In this class, we will describe the complex nature of sleep, the factors that can disturb sleep, and, most importantly, what one can do to get the sleep they need for optimal health, using herbs and natural therapies.

David Winston


donn brennanComparative Ethnomedicine – a talk on herbal traditions drawing on the Cherokee Tradition, Western herbal Medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine.

David will also take part on our discussion panels and lead herb walks.


There will also be herb walks each morning, panel discussions and more TBC